UK’s Next Generation Platform Revoluntizing Data Analysis in Infrastructure
DAFNI (Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure) is a facility providing access to data, supporting analysis and advanced visualisation across national infrastructure sectors. DAFNI has a mission to become the UK’s next generation platform to support the development of essential infrastructure services, revolutionising the UK’s ability to adapt to a changing climate and technological landscape.
Qualimental Technologies attended the seminar hosted by DAFNI, whose intention was to bridge the gap between academic research, data analysis and strategic infrastructure planning, and was delighted to hear much-advanced progress by DAFNI.
The Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure (DAFNI) is an £8 million EPRSC investment in the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure in Cities (UKRIC). This National facility is set to become the next generation platform to share data and analytics tools, and therefore support research around essential infrastructure services such as energy; transport; digital communications; water supply; flood protection; housing; wastewater and solid waste collection; treatment and disposal. The effectiveness of the platform is underpinned by the quality of the data and analytics tools which can then be used to inform decision making around these critical infrastructures, an issue which the DAFNI platform presents a real opportunity to solve by providing better access to data and resources on a shared platform. To help enable this, the development of DAFNI has placed community engagement at its core; DAFNI’s fundamental goal is to bring together business, government bodies and research organisations to collaboratively deliver a unique national capability, a key aspect of this is engaging with researchers at Universities and with their support the intention is to develop an ever-evolving platform that meets the needs of future.
Following 2 years of intense development effort, DAFIN is about to unveil to the wider community the exciting advancements within the facility and how it will relate to and revolutionise infrastructure business and research nationwide, on the Conference that will be held at the Royal Society of London, 10-11 June 2019, and we are really excited to see the DAFNI 1.0