Leading Pioneers in Natural Language Processing Award 1

Leading Pioneers in Natural Language Processing Award

Qualimental Technologies has been awarded the “Leading Pioneers in Natural Language Processing – UK” in the 2020 Artificial Intelligence...

Public AI Procurement Guideline Workshop with Office for AI 4

Public AI Procurement Guideline Workshop with Office for AI

Governments are increasingly seeking to capture the opportunities offered by AI to improve public-sector productivity and the provision of...

Use Machine Learning to Predict Coffee Purchase Through Data Science Platform Dataiku 5

Use Machine Learning to Predict Coffee Purchase Through Data Science Platform Dataiku

Dataiku [1] is a collaborative data science platform designed to help scientists, analysts, and engineers explore, prototype, build, and...

Neural Networks and Decision Trees & Architectures for Big Scale 2D Imagery 6

Neural Networks and Decision Trees & Architectures for Big Scale 2D Imagery

The meeting “Neural Networks and Decision Trees & Architectures for Big Scale 2D Imagery” was organised by London Machine...

UK’s Next Generation Platform Revoluntizing Data Analysis in Infrastructure 7

UK’s Next Generation Platform Revoluntizing Data Analysis in Infrastructure

DAFNI (Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure) is a facility providing access to data, supporting analysis and advanced...


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